Spectrum Blog
Peek behind the scenes into production of the journal, meet the Humans of Spectrum, read contributor interviews, and more.
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Editor-in-Chief Amitha Bhat invites you to submit work navigating the artistry in embracing failure.
Spectrum Across Time: A Young Writer’s Encounter With a Decades-Long Legacy
As a student, and as a young writer, I am often battling time. I transferred to the College of Creative Studies’ Writing and Literature major in the spring of my freshman year and instantly felt that there was much catching up I needed to do. So when the opportunity to join Spectrum presented itself, I was sure to seize it.
Read moreSpectrum Across Time: A Young Writer’s Encounter With a Decades-Long Legacy
Writing in the Time Of—Oh, There Is No Time
On Having No Time and Also a Desire to Get Outta Here
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Vol. 68 | Call For Submissions
Editor-in-Chief Amitha Bhat invites you to submit work navigating the artistry in embracing failure.
Featured Post
Letter to Future Managing Editor
Mikayka Buhbe, Managing Editor for Vol. 65, shares advice with future Managing Editors.
Reflections on an Increasingly A.I.-Reliant World
No matter what online platform I turn to for mindless entertainment, I can’t escape the persistent fear-mongering concerning A.I.'s effect on job security. If you have a job, chances are there is an article claiming that A.I. will replace you...
Submission Burnout: Taking the 100 Submissions Challenge
Sophie Najm launches a student writer's organization at UCSB.
Read moreSubmission Burnout: Taking the 100 Submissions Challenge
You and Yours: In Defense of the Second Person
Phoebe Pineda makes her case in a recent Spectrum interview.
Spectrum and Imposter Syndrome
Tia Trihn enters the world of literary publishing.
Just Another Unknown - A Self Interview
Maya Johnson introduces herself to other writers and invites them to do the same.
Vol. 67 | Call For Submissions
Editor-in-Chief Sasha Senal invites you to submit work observing and transgressing binaries.